
Agave americana var. medio-picta alba

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Common name:  White-Striped Century Plant

A pretty and variegated Agave that forms rosettes of leaves with a creamy-white central stripe and blue-green margins, with a recurved spine which becomes more apparent as the plant grows. Its a medium to large Agave that when planted out you will need to give space for it to develop. It is another Agave that will pup fairly heavily enabling you to remove and give away to family and friends.


  • Hardiness: H3: hardy in coastal and relatively mild parts of the UK (-5 to 1) slightly lower if dry. They have survived -7c in my succulent tunnel with zero damage, i suspect they could have gone lower.
  • Position/Aspect: Full sun or partial shade, free draining gritty gravelly soil. Will do well in a pot for many years
  • Drought tolerance: Very good
  • Size: up to 120cm in height and 180cm wide after 10 years
  • Grown from mother plants at the Kent nursery: yes (you can’t grow these from seed sadly)