
Agave havardiana

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Common name: Havards Century Plant

As stunning, medium size Agave native to rocky grassland slopes from west Texas into Mexico. It forms a compact rosette of thick spiny glaucous blue leaves 50cm long and 16cm wide. Mature specimens of Agave havardiana are topped with stunningly massive 4 meter tall asparagus-looking flower spikes in summer, with giant panicles of bright yellow flowers that are a pollinator magnet! It is one of the cold hardiest Agaves that seems tolerant of a lot more cold than many other species providing excellent drainage is given


  • Hardiness: H5: hardy in most places throughout the UK even in severe winters (-15 to -10) lower if dry
  • Position/Aspect: Full sun and a free draining sandy, gravelly soil preferrably raised. Will do well in a pot.
  • Drought tolerance: Very good
  • Size: up to 120 in height 160cm wide after 10-15 years
  • Seed grown at the Kent nursery: yes