
Agave parryi sp. parryi

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Common name:  Parry’s Agave


A stunning medium sized Agave from Arizona, Northern Mexico and New Mexico at elevations between 1200-2400m. A really compact species that forms tight rosettes of broad, silvery grey to pale green leaves, and will eventually grow in a clump. I’ve seen this sp. growing happily and totally unprotected in the sandy soil of RHS Wisley in Surrey, so it’s one that should do well in the majority of the UK provided drainage is good.


  • Hardiness: H4: hardy through most of the UK (-10 to -5)
  • Position/Aspect: Full sun or partial shade, free draining gritty gravelly soil. Does well in a pot for many years
  • Drought tolerance: Excellent
  • Size: up to
  • Seed grown at the Kent nursery: yes
  • Grown from mother plants at the Kent nursery: yes