
Agave filifera

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Common name:  Thread Agave

A pretty, small to medium species native to Central Mexico from Querétaro to Mexico State that forms clumps of rosettes. The leaves are olive green and have smooth edges that are abundantly covered with fine white filaments which increase with age and size. The leaves are also long and thin and end in a short, stout grey spine.I t’s a very cold hardy Agave that survives severe cold in my unheated poly tunnel so will be worth growing outside in the UK if provided with a cover in the coldest months, certainly in colder parts of the UK. They would be well suited to a coastal situation


  • Hardiness: H3: hardy in coastal and relatively mild parts of the UK (-5 to 1), slightly lower if dry.
  • Position/Aspect: Full sun or partial shade, will do will in a pot providing the soil is gritting and free draining
  • Drought tolerance: Very good
  • Size: up to 50cm in height 60cm wide over 10-15 years
  • Seed grown at the Kent nursery: yes