Trachycarpus wagnerianus x T.ukhrulensis
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A new hybrid created in 2022 after my male T.ukhrulensis (AKA manipur) flowered for the first time. The seedlings resemble ukhrulenis over wagnerianus which is a little baffling if I’m honest, but it’s early days and nobody know what they will ultimately look like… But join the group of people who will be the first to grow this anywhere!
Hardiness H5: hardy in most places throughout the UK even in severe winters (-15 to -10)
Position/Aspect Full sun to look its best but will tolerate partial to full shade.
Drought tolerance as with all Trachycarpus they like lots of water to thrive, but in the ground and once established drought totelance is excellent
Size Would guess up to 10 meters + eventually
Grown from seed at the Kent nursery Yes!