
Yucca baileyi

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Common names: Alpine Yucca, Bailey’s Narrow Leaf Yucca, Navajo Yucca


Yucca baileyi is a small species quite similar to Yucca angustissima, Yucca harrimaniae, and Yucca glauca, and it is sometimes difficult to separate these species. The leaves are very long to 60 cm and super narrow no more than 1 cm, with a light green colour and a tint of yellow. The flower stalks emerge from the trunk and grow upright to a height of around 130 cm. The flowers are white in colour with hints of violet.


  • Hardiness  H5 hardy in most places throughout the UK even in severe winters (-15 to -10)
  • Position/Aspect  Full sun with very free draining soil
  • Drought tolerance: Very Good
  • Size 1 meter
  • Seed grown at the Kent nursery Yes!