
Yucca glauca

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Common name: Soapweed Yucca

A low growing species of Yucca which has a huge range in habitat from Texas all the way north into the Canadian provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan, with its stiff, narrow, 50-60cm long leaves grey-green leaves is undoubtedly the hardiest of all Yuccas. Grows to a 1meter wide clump and produces a 140cm flower stalk, and has bell-shaped, greenish-white, pendulous flowers.


  • Hardiness  H5: hardy in most places throughout the UK even in severe winters (-15 to -10)
  • Position/Aspect  Looks best in full sun and free draining soil essential to look good all year
  • Drought tolerance  Very good
  • Size 1 meter wide clump 80cm in height after 10 years
  • Grown at the Kent nursery Yes!