
Yucca rupicola

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Common name: Twisted Yucca, Texas Yucca

An unusual, interesting  and rarely available Yucca Native to central Texas, it is found growing under the dry filtered shade of mesquites and oaks. It is a small, stemless Yucca which forms a low clump of bright green leaves which twist and turn. In the summer it can produce 140cm flower spikes of creamy white flowers. Plant in full sun to part shade, in well-drained soils.


  • Hardiness H6: hardy in all of UK and northern Europe (-20 to -15)
  • Position/Aspect  Full sun to look its best but will tolerate partial shade, in very free draining soil
  • Drought tolerance  Excellent
  • Size Up to 40cm in height and 70cm wide over several years
  • Grown at the Kent nursery Yes!