
Yucca torreyi

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Common name: Spanish Dagger, Torreys Soapwort

Native to  Northeastern Mexico, Texas and New Mexico comes it is a tall, tree yucca. It is similar in many ways to Y.faxoniana, and Y.trecleana The leaves of yucca torreyi are bluish or yellowish green in color, up to 140cm in length, quite rigid, topped by a sharp spine and strongly curved in cross-section, basically the tip of the leaves are lethal so it’s advices not to plant near when small children may play. The leaves be lined by a small number of curly filaments, towards the plant center, but nothing like that of Y.filifera. This yucca can grow large given the right conditions, the rosettes supported by a woody stem which is covered by a thick blanket of dead leaves if left un-trimmed, and they branch quite readily.


  • Hardiness  H5: hardy in most places throughout the UK even in severe winters (-15 to -10)
  • Position/Aspect  Full sun to look its best but will tolerate partial shade.
  • Drought tolerance  Very good
  • Size up to 5 meters over many years
  • Grown at the Kent nursery Yes!